Author's Guidelines

Submission of a paper to The Academic implies that the manuscript has not been published or under consideration in any other journal. The manuscripts should be submitted by email or via Online Article Submission form to this multidisciplinary journal (The Academic). Please visit the ‘Submit Paper’ page for submitting articles. 

Authors should post their submissions online. No hard copy submissions will be accepted. Receipt will be automatically acknowledged. After an assessment of the paper’s suitability for publication in The Academic, the editor will send it electronically to a minimum of two referees, they will decide whether to recommend it for publication or rejection or publication with suggested changes. The process is tracked electronically, including any dialogue with the author. The identities of authors and reviewers are not revealed to each other.  Accepted papers, when in final form, are assigned to an issue of The Academic, for publication. On the date of publication, the issue will be announced and will be published online on our website. Anyone can read the papers as published or retrieve them later through searches.

Papers should be between 2,000-3500 words in length excluding footnotes and References. Author’s are advised to use the APA referencing style, as outlined below. Submissions that do not confirm to the journal’s guidelines will be returned to the authors for modification; no review will be undertaken if authors have not followed these guidelines. Papers can be written in English/Hindi. All papers should be accompanied by an abstract of up to 200 words. In addition, a list of up to six keywords should be provided.

Please use the typeface Times New Roman throughout your article. The main text of submissions should be typed in 1.5 spacing in a font size of 12pt. For papers in Hindi language use font Kurti Dev 10 and font size-17pt. The text should be justified on the left margin only (not justified on the right). Do not use all capital letters to write the title of the paper or headings or subheadings. The Reference List should be single-spaced 10pt, with distinctions between references marked by single carriage returns and hanging indents. References are to be in the APA style. Make sure that all the abbreviations used in the manuscript have been defined upon its first mention in the text. Footnotes should be avoided but where notes are necessary please use footnotes. Additively, ensure that citation of references within the text of the manuscript is present. In case of adoption of Figures / Diagrams / Tables from any book, journal, etc the source of it should be given in references. Footnote text is to be single-spaced 10pt. Authors should avoid word divisions and hyphens at the end of lines. Use a single (not a double) space after a full point, and after commas, colons, semi-colons, etc. Do not put a space in front of a question mark, or in front of any other closing quotation mark. The beginning of a new paragraph should be indicated by a space made by a double carriage return (not an indent). Insert page numbers on the bottom right hand corner of each page. Capitalize the first letters of words in titles and headings. Subheadings should be separated from the preceding paragraph by a space, but do not put a space before the paragraph immediately following the subheading. For articles written in English, British or American English spelling is acceptable provided usage is consistent. Foreign words and phrases not in common (English) usage should be italicised. Please do NOT submit compressed files. Do not use any word processing options/tools, such as: strike through, hidden text, comments, merges, and so forth.

  • Research paper should be typed in Ms-Word only
  • For papers in English language use font Times New Roman, font size 12pt, Line spacing 1.5
  • For papers in Hindi language use font Kurti Dev-10, font size-17pt

All authors are jointly and individually responsible to the concerned authorities for the contents of the manuscripts. The Editorial Committee/Publisher shall not be held responsible in any manner whatsoever to the contents of the manuscript and the views and interpretations expressed by the authors in the manuscripts. The decision of the Editor is final in all matters pertaining to the publication of the manuscripts. Editor has the right to do editorial revision of the accepted manuscripts, restriction of number of pages, tables and figures. No reason shall be given for the non-acceptance of the manuscript. In case of acceptance of the article and completion of publication formalities by the author, journal reserves the right of making amendments in the final draft of the research paper to suit the journal’s requirement.

Format of the Manuscript:

Authors submitting research paper to The Academic should follow the following format in the given sequence (IMRaD format):

Title (The following details must be centered just beneath the title:- Authors names, affiliations, email ids and telephone/mobile no. of  corresponding author. Note: The corresponding author should be indicated by *)

Abstract (within 200 words):

Below the abstract, provide keywords (minimum three but not more than six) in alphabetical orders separated by comma.

Materials and Methods
References: The references provided at the end of the paper should follow APA referencing style. Some examples of APA referencing are shown below.

Special Note: Due to the coverage of several disciplines by TAIJMR we grant liberty to the authors to choose the structure of the body of manuscript and citation style. Sections like materials and methods, results, etc may not apply to manuscripts on arts, etc.


Declaration form:

It is required to obtain written confirmation from authors for papers to be published in our journal so as to index them to various repositories. Please download, complete and sign the copyright form and send it with the final version of your manuscript.

Click here to Download Declaration Form 

APA Reference List Examples

Book with Single Author:

Gore, A. (2006). An inconvenient truth: The planetary emergency of global warming and what we can do about it. Emmaus, PA: Rodale.

             In-text reference: (Gore, 2006)


Book with Two Authors:

Michaels, P. J., & Balling, R. C., Jr. (2000). The satanic gases: Clearing the air about global warming. Washington, DC: Cato Institute.

              In-text reference: (Michaels & Balling, 2000)


Book with Editor as Author:

Galley. K. E. (Ed.). (2004). Global climate change and wildlife in North America. Bethesda, MD: Wildlife Society.

             In-text reference: (Galley, 2004)


Brochure or Pamphlet:

New York State Department of Health. (2002). After a sexual assault. [Brochure]. Albany, NY: Author.

             In-text reference: (New York, 2002)


An Anonymous Book:

Environmental resource handbook. (2001). Millerton, NY: Grey House.

             In-text reference: (Environmental Resource Handbook, 2001)


Articles in Reference Books (unsigned and signed):

Greenhouse effect. (2005). American heritage science dictionary. Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin.

Schneider, S. H. (2000). Greenhouse effect. World book encyclopedia (Millennium ed. Vol. 8, pp. 382-383). Chicago, IL: World Book.

             In-text references:      (Greenhouse effect, 2005)

                                                       (Schneider, 2000)


Magazine Articles:

Allen, L. (2004, August). Will Tuvalu disappear beneath the sea? Global warming threatens to swamp a small island nation. Smithsonian, 35(5), 44-52.

Begley, S., & Murr, A. (2007, July 2). Which of these is not causing global warming? A. Sport utility vehicles; B. Rice fields; C. Increased solar output. Newsweek, 150(2), 48-50.

             In-text references:      (Allen, 2004)

                                                       (Begley, 2007)


Newspaper Articles (unsigned and signed):

College officials agree to cut greenhouse gases. (2007, June 13). Albany Times Union, p. A4.

Landler, M. (2007, June 2). Bush’s Greenhouse Gas Plan Throws Europe Off Guard. New York Times, p. A7.

             In-text references:      (“College Officials”, 2007)

                                                       (Landler, 2007)


Journal Article with Continuous Paging:

Miller-Rushing, A. J., Primack, R. B., Primack, D., & Mukunda, S. (2006). Photographs and herbarium specimens as tools to document phonological changes in response to global warming. American Journal of Botany, 93, 1667-1674.

             In-text reference: (Miller-Rushing, Primack, Primack, & Mukunda, 2006)


Journal Article when each issue begins with p.1: Bogdonoff, S., & Rubin, J.(2007). The regional greenhouse gas initiative: Taking action in Maine. Environment, 49(2), 9-16.

            In-text reference: (Bogdonoff & Rubin, 2007)


Journal Article from a Library Subscription Service Database with a DOI (digital object identifier):

Mora, C., & Maya, M. F. (2006). Effect of the rate of temperature increase of the dynamic method on the heat tolerance of fishes. Journal of Thermal Biology, 31, 337-341. doi: 10.101b/jtherbio.2006.01.055

             In-text reference: (Mora & Maya, 2006)



United States Environmental Protection Agency. (2007, May 4). Climate Change. Retrieved From the Environmental Protection Agency website:

             In-text reference: (United States Environmental, 2007)

Gelspan, R. (2007). The Heat Is Online. Lake Oswego, OR: Green House Network. Retrieved from The Heat Is Online website:

             In-text reference: (Gelspan, 2007)

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