Peer Review Policy

The Academic applies the following peer review policy.
  1. The submitted manuscript will be reviewed and checked for plagiarism by the Editor. It will be examined and checked for compatibility with the scope of the journal and conformity with the journal template. The editor communicates with the author(s) during this process. During this stage, the editor speaks with the author(s) and decides whether the work is eligible for review or not.
  2. Manuscripts that have passed the above step will be sent to two reviewers to review the content using the double blind review method, which means that both the reviewer and author identities are concealed from the reviewers, and vice versa, throughout the review process. Referees are assigned to the manuscript based on their area of expertise.
  3. The review process will consider novelty, objectivity, methods, scientific impact, conclusions, and references.
  4. Reviewers will suggest improvements and or accept/reject articles to editor.
  5. The editor will evaluate whether the paper fits the Journal’s requirements after considering reviewer comments.
  6. The editor’s decision is final about acceptance/rejection of submitted manuscript. The Editor reserves the right to make a final decision on publication as well as the right to make alterations.

The submitted manuscript is assigned to a reviewer within seven days of its submission. Peer review of the submitted article is completed within two weeks. Generally, 15-30 days are required to complete the peer review process, and the decision of acceptance/ rejection/ comments is conveyed to the authors. In case the peer review takes place for more than 30 days, authors should compulsorily enquire the status of their research article by email. The accepted article is published in the issue for which the author has submitted it.